Sunday, June 15, 2008

tee minus...

well, at this current moment in time, Steven Sondheim has been awarded a lifetime achievement Tony award; the Discovery channel is continuing their broadcast of Apollo 13; my father is being tempted by the box of hershey bars my mother so cruelly placed on the counter, and I am writing my very first blog ever. YAAAAAAAAAYY! I continue in my preparations for the party most of you think I don't know about, and my laundry is almost done. just thought you should all know. Tuesday is the day I leave. I am nervous and excited and nervous and excited and hungry. I fully expect to grow up a lot this summer in Canada. I am trying as best I can to prepare myself. Other than that, my attention is mainly taken up by suitcases and ipods and socks and jeans and underwear.

This blog is not very interesting. But don't panic. These should get progressively better as I actually leave.

Goodbye, my loverly friends. Goodnight.

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